WHITE PLANES, NY—The Society of Film and Television Engineers (SMPTE) unveiled the program for this year’s SMPTE 2021 Virtual Annual Technical Conference (ATC) with six half-day sessions, November 9-11 and November 16-18.
SMPTE 2021 ATC will offer technical sessions, networking and social events, interactive discussions and keynote presentations.
“As you enter this year’s program, you get a strong sense of the radical and rapid change that is happening in our industry,” said Michael Zink, vice president of education at SMPTE. “Not so many years ago, some of these topics at the session simply did not exist. We’re exploring exciting new ways of telling stories and new ways of working – and it’s a rare opportunity to see through the eyes of industry leaders where the next one will go. “
The virtual event will begin on November 9 with a keynote presentation by Andreas Andy Gal, founder and CEO of Human-Centric-Innovators and former CIO of Red Bull Media House. Topics to be covered during the technical sessions will include proxy workflows for secure remote production, multi-chamber live production in a virtual environment, generalized psychovisual pre-processing for video coding, use case considering ATSC 3.0 for public communications safety, calibration of LED fixtures and video walls to the color signal of the camera and 360 8K independent VR, said the public.
Lunch break with a short networking session and the day will end with a social event, said SMPTE.
Day 2 begins with a focus on sustainability. The program will look at steps and technological solutions that address climate change and how to integrate them into media workflows. The following will be a skills-oriented presentation on accurate lighting for people with color in movies and television.
Michelle Manson will discuss indispensable tokens (NFT), the implications for video engineers, and how a new blockchain content protocol is expected to support first-class video experiences carved as NFT. She will also discuss her experience of launching a gamified NFT video market for a consumer audience. The day ends with an introduction ceremony for the new SMPTE Fellows class, it said.
Day 3 begins at 6:00 PM EST on November 11 – APAC time, which is 8 a.m. JST on November 12. First is the ability to work in a network. Topics of the day include infrastructure such as CBC / Radio-Canada IP data center code, 5G streaming and DASH / HLS broadcasting, an 8K autofocus camera system for multi-phase detection and a content production system with different aspect ratios. said SMPTE.
The conference will continue on November 16 with a focus on:
- Software defined, ultra low latency and compression IP video system
- Low latency DASH / CMAF performance and low latency HLS streaming systems
- Conversational virtual characters in real time
- Using biometric signals to improve storytelling
- New 2/3-inch 9.5Mpix CMOS image that combines global shutter performance in the boot domain with exceptional high-speed capability
- Print design for films in the post-film era
- SMPTE Sectional mixer
The November 17 schedule provides for two sessions that focus first on best practices and workflows for virtual production, and then on how to deal with the remaining technical challenges from merging game and film culture to solving complex spatial processing. and image processing. The SMPTE + Media panel in the cloud panel will meet again, and the annual SMPTE membership meeting will take place at the last hour of the day.
The last day of the event will include three technical sessions with topics focused on the impact of tighter NIC / GPU integration on media processing performance, the RTP payload format for JPEG XS, the time code issue, the dynamic allocation of resources in Kubernetes live video compression approaches for cluster, perceptual modeling and machine learning to detect bands and color transformations to preserve the nuance of workflows for virtual LED wall production. The day will end with a virtual Oktoberfest.
IN full conference schedule and Registration is available on the SMPTE website.