Ondas Holdings Inc (ONDS) the stock has grown by 9.44% in the last week and receives a bearish rating of InvestorsObserver’s Mood indicator.

What is the mood of stocks?
When investing, mood usually means whether a security is in favor of investors. This is usually a fairly short-term indicator that relies entirely on technical analysis. This means that it has nothing to do with the health or profitability of the parent company.
Price action is usually the best indicator of mood. In order for stocks to rise in price, investors need to feel good about them. Similarly, stocks that are on a downward trend should be at a disadvantage.
InvestorsObserverSentiment Indicator takes into account price actions and recent volume trends. Increasing volumes often mean that the trend is intensifying, while decreasing volumes may signal that a reversal may soon come.
The options market is another place to get mood signals. Because options allow investors to bet on the price of a stock, we take into account the ratio of calls and placements for stocks where there are options.
What is happening to ONDS stocks today?
Shares of Ondas Holdings Inc (ONDS) were trading at $ 8.58 at 10:55 a.m. Wednesday, April 14, up $ 0.58, or 7.25% from the previous closing price of $ 8.00. So far, the shares have traded between $ 8.05 and $ 8.70. The volume today is light. So far, 83,327 shares have been traded with an average volume of 464,081 shares.
To see InvestorsObserverSentiment Score for Ondas Holdings Inc click here.
More about Ondas Holdings Inc.
Ondas Holdings Inc. designs, develops, manufactures, sells and maintains FullMAX Software Defined Radio (SDR) technology in the United States, Israel and India. Its FullMAX system of wireless base stations, fixed and mobile remote radios is used by customers to create broadband wireless broadband cellular networks. The company markets and sells its products to companies in electricity, water and wastewater, oil and gas producers, and other important infrastructure applications in areas such as internal security and defense and transportation.
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