The market fell to Ondas Holdings Inc (ONDS) stock recently. ONDS gets a bearish score from InvestorsObserver’s Stock indicator.

What is the mood of stocks?
When making investment decisions, the mood gives a good overview of what equity investors currently prefer. Sentiment includes short-term technical analysis in its outcome and does not include fundamental analysis such as the company’s profitability. This means that revenue updates and other news can significantly affect general sentiment.
The mood is how investors or the market feel about stocks. There are many ways to measure mood. The basis of the mood is quite easy to understand. If stocks rise, investors should be bullish, while if they fall, the mood is bearish.
InvestorsObserverSentiment Indicator looks at price trends over the past week and is also considering changes in volume. An increase in volume may mean that the trend is getting stronger, while a decrease in volume may mean that the trend is nearing a conclusion.
For stocks that have options, our system also takes into account the balance between calls, which are often bets that the price will rise, and putas, which are often bets that the price will fall.
What is happening to ONDS stocks today?
Shares of Ondas Holdings Inc (ONDS) rose 9.38%, while the S&P 500 fell -0.25% as of 9:51 a.m. on Monday, May 17. ONDS was $ 0.57 higher than the previous closing price of $ 6.09 at 36,003 shares. Last year, the S&P 500 won 40.95%, while the ONDS was 8.29% higher. Lost ONDS – $ 0.66 per share in the last 12 months.
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More about Ondas Holdings Inc.
Ondas Holdings Inc. designs, develops, manufactures, sells and maintains FullMAX Software Defined Radio (SDR) technology in the United States, Israel and India. Its FullMAX system of wireless base stations, fixed and mobile remote radios is used by customers to create broadband wireless broadband cellular networks. The company markets and sells its products to electricity, water and wastewater companies, oil and gas producers, and other important infrastructure applications in areas such as internal security and defense and transportation.
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